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6 April 2016

Manipulating streams with Perl

Streams are some thingies which are quite useful when one wants to get data on demand. Usually we don’t know when they will end, so we just drain them byte by byte until we take all we need. We could boost them though by providing ways of making streams out of random objects, merging and transforming them, and not let them drain.

In this post I’m going to show you some means to create infinite, immutable streams using Perl.

Given the above requirements, our streams should:

  1. Provide a simple interface in order to create a stream from any type of object
  2. Be infinite
  3. Be immutable

Let’s begin with the interface. We need two functions – one to create a stream from an object and another to create an object from a stream. For the sake of simplicity, our object will be a list. make_stream should get a list and provide a constructor which will let us explore the generated stream. This constructor would be a function reference which, upon evaluation, would return a tuple containing the first element (the head) and the rest of the stream (the tail).

sub make_stream {
  my ($head, @rest) = @_;

  return sub {
    return ($head, make_stream(@rest));

my $numbers = make_stream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

# Exhaust our stream
my ($first, $numbers) = $numbers->();
while (defined $first) {
  say $first;
  ($first, $numbers) = $numbers->();

In order to provide a robust handling of streams, we should prevent the user from accessing the constructor directly. A stream should be a something which could only be manipulated via a set of library functions. Thus, our next step is to provide a stream unwrapper – a function dual to make_stream. It should deconstruct the stream into a head and a tail and return a tuple of the head and the deconstructed tail. It should stop the process when the head is undefined. Note that we never manipulate the passed stream – immutability is one of the properties we need with streams.

sub unmake_stream {
  my $stream = shift;
  my ($head, $rest) = $stream->();

  if (!defined $head) {
    return ();

  return ($head, unmake_stream($rest));

say unmake_stream($numbers);

Now, we have the means of creating and consuming streams. The next function which we’ll need is cons. This function would prepend an element to the stream. Our stream constructor is a function reference which returns a tuple of the stream’s head and the rest of the stream. When prepending an element to the stream, its head becomes the new element and its tail becomes the constructor of the old stream.

sub cons {
  my ($elem, $stream) = @_;

  return sub {
    return ($elem, $stream);

# Prepend one element
$numbers = cons(0, $numbers);

# Prepend several elements
# It's easy to string functions which operate on streams
$numbers = cons(-3, cons(-2, cons(-1, $numbers)));

Okay, so now we have finite streams in Perl. But how do we handle infinity? Basically, an infinite stream begins with some initial value and builds upon it. The natural numbers are a good example: they begin from 1 and each number other than 1 is the previous number plus 1. So we should be able to write code like this:

# $_[0] is the previous stream element
my $nat_nums = make_stream(
  from => [0], 
  by => sub { $_[0] + 1 }

Now, instead of getting the rest of the stream from the provided list, when provided with a by, make_stream should generate it using this function on the stream’s head.

sub make_stream {
  my %maker = @_;

  my ($head, @rest) = @{$maker{from}};
  my $gen = $maker{by};

  return sub {
    if (!defined $gen) {
      return ($head, make_stream(from => [@rest]));

    # Here's the real deal \m/
    return ($head, make_stream(from => [$gen->($head)], by => $gen));

# What happens here?
say unmake_stream($nat_nums);

When provided with an infinite stream, unmake_stream would try to evaluate it until it reaches the end of it. The problem with infinities is, well…, they are infinite. So the evaluation of unmake_stream over an infinite list would take quite some time (until it exhausts perl’s stack space).

Therefore, now we need ways to take only a number of elements from an infinite stream. take is a function which takes cnt number of elements and returns a new stream containing only cnt elements which is guaranteed to be finite.

sub take {
  my ($cnt, $stream) = @_;
  my ($head, $rest) = $stream->();

  if ($cnt <= 0 || !defined $head) {
    return make_stream(from => []);

  return cons($head, take($cnt-1, $rest));

say unmake_stream(take(6, $nat_nums)) # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Often we’d love to concatenate streams. Let’s make a function concat which would take two streams and return a stream where the first stream is prepended to the second.

sub concat {
  my ($first, $second) = @_;
  my ($first_head, $first_rest) = $first->();

  if (!defined($first_head)) {
    # We no longer have what to concatenate with
    return $second;

  return cons($first_head, concat($first_rest, $second));

Now, stop for a while, examine this piece of beauty and try to figure out its main flaw.

Flaws are best left unattended until they shine in immaculate destruction.

my $three = make_stream(from => [1, 2, 3]);
# Concat two finite streams
say unmake_stream(concat(
      make_stream(from => [4, 5, 6]))); # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

# Concat a finite stream with an infinite one
say unmake_stream(take(5, concat($three, $nat_nums))) # 1, 2, 3, 1, 2

# Could a destruction be more pure than a stack overflow?
# Concat an infinite stream to another stream
say unmake_stream(take(5, concat($nat_nums, $three)));

The problem with the current implementation of concat is that it removes lazyness. Despite the popular opinion, here lazyness is something we strive to achieve. Everything which prevents it, prevents us from doing work with potential infinities. How do we tackle this problem? Remember that a stream is just a constructor returning something and the rest of it in a state awaiting evaluation. concat just forgot the second part of the definition of what streams are. How we create something that awaits evaluation? We put it in a function which gets evaluated upon call.

sub concat {
  my ($first, $second) = @_;
  my ($first_head, $first_rest) = $first->();

  if (!defined($first_head)) {
    # We no longer have what to concatenate with
    return $second;

  return cons($first_head, sub { concat($first_rest, $second) });

But using cons in this way, means that, in a way, we’ve created a stream of a stream. And in the case when we’ve concatenated two streams, we’ll have to work with a stream of a stream instead. Each time we try to use the stream’s elements, we’d have to remove one level of, let’s say, streamity in order to reach the underlying stream. This could be done, in the expense of making the code harder to maintain:

sub unmake_stream {
  my $stream = shift;
  my ($head, $rest) = $stream->();

  if (!defined $head) {
    return ();

  # Check whether we're working with a stream of a stream
  my ($unstreamed, undef) = $rest->();
  if (ref $unstreamed eq 'CODE') { # A stream is just a CODE ref
    # Remove a level of streamity
    $rest = $unstreamed;

  return ($head, unmake_stream($rest));

And this kind of code should be put whenever we create a function which has the potential of working on concatenated streams.

But why use cons in the first place? To reuse code. Often, however, there are times when code reuse is actually a bad thing.

sub concat {
  my ($first, $second) = @_;
  my ($first_head, $first_rest) = $first->();

  if (!defined($first_head)) {
    # We no longer have what to concatenate with
    return $second;

  return sub {
    return ($first_head, concat($first_rest, $second));

Now concat itself constructs the stream resulting from the concatenation of the two streams. We no longer need to do unmaintainability-foo in order to implement other valuable stream functions. As a rule, each function which generates an infinite chain of recursive calls, should wrap them in a function reference.

Having take, we could implement its opposite – drop.

sub drop {
  my ($n, $stream) = @_;
  my ($head, $rest) = $stream->();

  if (!defined $head) {
    return make_stram(from => []);

  if ($n <= 1) {
    return $rest;

  return drop($n-1, $rest);

say unmake_stream(take(10, drop(10, $nat_nums))); # 10, 11, ..., 19

How do we remove an element at an index i? Well, if we take the first i elements and concatenate them to the elements after i+1, the resulting stream would have everything but its i-th element.

sub dropAt {
  my ($i, $stream) = @_;

  return concat(take($i, $stream), drop($i+1, $stream));

say unmake_stream(take(10, dropAt(4, $nat_nums))); # 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Let’s make some other useful functions on streams. head should return the first element in a stream and tail should return a stream containing everything but the stream’s head.

sub head {
  my $stream = shift;
  my ($head, undef) = $stream->();

  return $head;

sub tail {
  my $stream = shift;
  my (undef, $rest) = $stream->();

  return $rest;

say head($nat_nums); # 1

say unmake_stream(take(3, tail($nat_nums))); # 2, 3, 4

How do we get the length of a finite stream? The length of a stream is just 1 + the length of the rest of the stream. The subtle problem with this function is that it is useful only with finite streams.

sub slength {
  my $stream = shift;
  my ($head, $rest) = $stream->();

  if (!defined $head) {
    return 0;

  return 1 + slength($rest);

say slength(make_stream(from => [1, 2, 3, 4])); # 4

We created all the means of querying elements from streams, adding elements to streams and dropping elements from streams. How can we modify elements of a stream? Let’s create the function smap which would go over a stream and apply a function over each element of the stream. This function should preserve lazyness :)

sub smap {
  my ($f, $stream) = @_;
  my ($head, $rest) = $stream->();

  if (!defined $head) {
    return make_stream(from => []);

  return sub { # Be lazy!
    # Return a tuple of the modified element and $f applied to the rest of
    # the stream 
    return ($f->($head), smap($f, $rest));

# Some voodoo time (and LISP-ness)
say unmake_stream(
      take(10, # Take only 10 of them
          sub { $_[0] * 2 }, # Create ALL even numbers

What’s a map without filter? The function filter should take a predicate and a stream and return a stream containing only these elements satisfying the predicate. It should also preserve lazyness.

sub filter {
  my ($pred, $stream) = @_;
  my ($head, $rest) = $stream->();

  if (!defined $head) {
    return make_stream(from => []);

  if ($pred->($head)) {
    return sub {
      return ($head, filter($pred, $rest));

  return filter($pred, $rest);

# Take the next 10 even numbers
say unmake_stream(
            sub { $_[0] % 2 == 0 },

These functions give us the possibility to manipulate various kinds of streams on objects which only provide a way to be streamed via by => sub { ... }, which generates the stream’s next element. In another post I’ll show you how to use this simple library to manipulate streamed data. Meanwhile, you can check out the code on github and play with it :)

People, part of this: Camplight, stelf

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